A class to hold gene model data for a genomic region fetched dynamically from EBI's Biomart Ensembl data source.
# S4 method for class 'BiomartGeneRegionTrack'
start = NULL,
end = NULL,
filter = list(),
genome = NULL,
chromosome = NULL,
strand = NULL,
featureMap = NULL,
symbol = NULL,
gene = NULL,
transcript = NULL,
entrez = NULL,
start = NULL,
end = NULL,
chromosome = NULL,
genome = NULL,
stacking = "squish",
filters = list(),
featureMap = NULL,
name = "BiomartGeneRegionTrack",
symbol = NULL,
gene = NULL,
entrez = NULL,
transcript = NULL,
# S4 method for class 'BiomartGeneRegionTrack'
subset(x, from, to, chromosome, use.defaults = TRUE, ...)
An integer scalar with the genomic start coordinates for the gene model range.
An integer scalar with the genomic end coordinates for the gene model range.
An optional Mart
object providing access
to the EBI Biomart webservice. As default the appropriate Ensembl data
source is selected based on the provided genome and chromosome.
The genome on which the track's ranges are defined. Usually
this is a valid UCSC genome identifier, however this is not being formally
checked at this point. If no mapping from genome to Biomart Ensembl data
source is possible, the biomart
argument needs to be provided by the
The chromosome on which the track's genomic ranges are
defined. A valid UCSC chromosome identifier. Please note that at this stage
only syntactic checking takes place, i.e., the argument value needs to be a
single integer, numeric character or a character of the form chrx
where x
may be any possible string. The user has to make sure that
the respective chromosome is indeed defined for the the track's genome.
Character scalar, the strand for which to fetch gene
information from Biomart. One in +
, -
, or +-
Named character vector or list to map between the fields in the Biomart data base and the features as they are used to construct the track. If multiple values are provided in a single list item, the package will use the first one that is defined in the selected Biomart.
Character vector giving one or several gene symbols, Ensembl transcript identifiers, Ensembl gene identifiers, or ENTREZ gene identifiers, respectively. The genomic locus of their gene model will be fetch from Biomart instead of providing explicit start and end coordinates.
Additional items which will all be interpreted as further
display parameters. See settings
and the "Display Parameters"
section below for details.
The stacking type for overlapping items of the track. One in
c(hide, dense, squish, pack,full)
. Currently, only hide (don't show
the track items, squish (make best use of the available space) and dense (no
stacking at all) are implemented.
A list of additional filters to be applied in the Biomart
query. See getBM
for details.
Character scalar of the track's name used in the title panel when plotting.
A valid track object class name, or the object itself, in which case the class is derived directly from it.
from, to
The return value of the constructor function is a new object of class
A track containing all gene models in a particular region as fetched from
EBI's Biomart service. Usually the user does not have to take care of the
Biomart connection, which will be established automatically based on the
provided genome and chromosome information. However, for full flexibility a
valid Mart
object may be passed on to the constructor.
Please note that this assumes a connection to one of the Ensembl gene data
sources, mapping the available query data back to the internal object slots.
: Initialize.
: Constructor function for
: subset a BiomartGeneRegionTrack
by coordinates and sort if necessary.
Objects can be created using the constructor function
EBI Biomart webservice at http://www.biomart.org.
## Construct the object
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
bmTrack <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(
start = 26682683, end = 26711643,
chromosome = 7, genome = "mm9"
} # }
## Plotting
## Track names
#> [1] "BiomartGeneRegionTrack"
names(bmTrack) <- "foo"
## Subsetting and splitting
subTrack <- subset(bmTrack, from = 26700000, to = 26705000)
#> [1] 21
subTrack <- bmTrack[transcript(bmTrack) == "ENSMUST00000144140"]
split(bmTrack, transcript(bmTrack))
#> $ENSMUST00000005477
#> GeneRegionTrack 'foo'
#> | genome: mm9
#> | active chromosome: chr7
#> | annotation features: 10
#> $ENSMUST00000072438
#> GeneRegionTrack 'foo'
#> | genome: mm9
#> | active chromosome: chr7
#> | annotation features: 9
#> $ENSMUST00000144140
#> GeneRegionTrack 'foo'
#> | genome: mm9
#> | active chromosome: chr7
#> | annotation features: 2
## Accessors
#> [1] 26682639 26696257 26696573 26698884 26699767 26700411 26701953 26702307
#> [9] 26711087 26682695 26696257 26696573 26698884 26699767 26700411 26701953
#> [17] 26702307 26710392 26711087 26701785 26702307
#> [1] 26682874 26696419 26696722 26699044 26699943 26700552 26702140 26702448
#> [9] 26711643 26682874 26696419 26696722 26699044 26699943 26700552 26702140
#> [17] 26702448 26710418 26711578 26702140 26702449
#> [1] 236 163 150 161 177 142 188 142 557 180 163 150 161 177 142 188 142 27 492
#> [20] 356 143
#> [1] 26682756 26696338 26696648 26698964 26699855 26700482 26702046 26702378
#> [9] 26711365 26682784 26696338 26696648 26698964 26699855 26700482 26702046
#> [17] 26702378 26710405 26711332 26701962 26702378
width(subTrack) <- width(subTrack) + 100
#> [1] "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+" "+"
#> [20] "+" "+"
strand(subTrack) <- "-"
#> chr7
#> "chr7"
chromosome(subTrack) <- "chrX"
#> [1] "mm9"
genome(subTrack) <- "hg19"
#> IRanges object with 21 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#> start end width
#> <integer> <integer> <integer>
#> [1] 26682639 26682874 236
#> [2] 26696257 26696419 163
#> [3] 26696573 26696722 150
#> [4] 26698884 26699044 161
#> [5] 26699767 26699943 177
#> ... ... ... ...
#> [17] 26702307 26702448 142
#> [18] 26710392 26710418 27
#> [19] 26711087 26711578 492
#> [20] 26701785 26702140 356
#> [21] 26702307 26702449 143
#> GRanges object with 21 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
#> seqnames ranges strand | feature gene
#> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
#> [1] chr7 26682639-26682874 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> [2] chr7 26696257-26696419 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> [3] chr7 26696573-26696722 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> [4] chr7 26698884-26699044 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> [5] chr7 26699767-26699943 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> ... ... ... ... . ... ...
#> [17] chr7 26702307-26702448 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> [18] chr7 26710392-26710418 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> [19] chr7 26711087-26711578 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> [20] chr7 26701785-26702140 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> [21] chr7 26702307-26702449 + | protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483
#> exon transcript symbol rank
#> <character> <character> <character> <numeric>
#> [1] ENSMUSE00000742021 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 1
#> [2] ENSMUSE00000449901 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 2
#> [3] ENSMUSE00000199425 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 3
#> [4] ENSMUSE00000511070 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 4
#> [5] ENSMUSE00000514929 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 5
#> ... ... ... ... ...
#> [17] ENSMUSE00000507557 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 8
#> [18] ENSMUSE00000496705 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 9
#> [19] ENSMUSE00000750625 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 10
#> [20] ENSMUSE00000736922 ENSMUST00000144140 Cyp2b10 1
#> [21] ENSMUSE00000748299 ENSMUST00000144140 Cyp2b10 2
#> -------
#> seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## Annotation
#> [1] "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10"
#> [8] "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10"
#> [15] "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10"
identifier(bmTrack, "lowest")
#> [1] "ENSMUSE00000742021" "ENSMUSE00000449901" "ENSMUSE00000199425"
#> [4] "ENSMUSE00000511070" "ENSMUSE00000514929" "ENSMUSE00000199423"
#> [7] "ENSMUSE00000535814" "ENSMUSE00000507557" "ENSMUSE00000498616"
#> [10] "ENSMUSE00000489385" "ENSMUSE00000449901" "ENSMUSE00000199425"
#> [13] "ENSMUSE00000511070" "ENSMUSE00000514929" "ENSMUSE00000199423"
#> [16] "ENSMUSE00000535814" "ENSMUSE00000507557" "ENSMUSE00000496705"
#> [19] "ENSMUSE00000750625" "ENSMUSE00000736922" "ENSMUSE00000748299"
identifier(subTrack) <- "bar"
#> [1] "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding"
#> [5] "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding"
#> [9] "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding"
#> [13] "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding"
#> [17] "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding" "protein_coding"
#> [21] "protein_coding"
feature(subTrack) <- "foo"
#> [1] "ENSMUSE00000742021" "ENSMUSE00000449901" "ENSMUSE00000199425"
#> [4] "ENSMUSE00000511070" "ENSMUSE00000514929" "ENSMUSE00000199423"
#> [7] "ENSMUSE00000535814" "ENSMUSE00000507557" "ENSMUSE00000498616"
#> [10] "ENSMUSE00000489385" "ENSMUSE00000449901" "ENSMUSE00000199425"
#> [13] "ENSMUSE00000511070" "ENSMUSE00000514929" "ENSMUSE00000199423"
#> [16] "ENSMUSE00000535814" "ENSMUSE00000507557" "ENSMUSE00000496705"
#> [19] "ENSMUSE00000750625" "ENSMUSE00000736922" "ENSMUSE00000748299"
exon(subTrack) <- letters[1:2]
#> [1] "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483"
#> [4] "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483"
#> [7] "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483"
#> [10] "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483"
#> [13] "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483"
#> [16] "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483"
#> [19] "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483" "ENSMUSG00000030483"
gene(subTrack) <- "bar"
#> [1] "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10"
#> [8] "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10"
#> [15] "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10" "Cyp2b10"
symbol(subTrack) <- "foo"
#> [1] "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438"
#> [4] "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438"
#> [7] "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438"
#> [10] "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477"
#> [13] "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477"
#> [16] "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477"
#> [19] "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000144140" "ENSMUST00000144140"
transcript(subTrack) <- c("foo", "bar")
chromosome(subTrack) <- "chr7"
#> feature gene exon transcript
#> 1 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000742021 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 2 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000449901 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 3 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199425 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 4 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000511070 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 5 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000514929 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 6 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199423 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 7 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000535814 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 8 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000507557 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 9 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000498616 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 10 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000489385 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 11 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000449901 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 12 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199425 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 13 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000511070 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 14 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000514929 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 15 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199423 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 16 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000535814 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 17 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000507557 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 18 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000496705 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 19 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000750625 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 20 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000736922 ENSMUST00000144140
#> 21 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000748299 ENSMUST00000144140
#> symbol rank
#> 1 Cyp2b10 1
#> 2 Cyp2b10 2
#> 3 Cyp2b10 3
#> 4 Cyp2b10 4
#> 5 Cyp2b10 5
#> 6 Cyp2b10 6
#> 7 Cyp2b10 7
#> 8 Cyp2b10 8
#> 9 Cyp2b10 9
#> 10 Cyp2b10 1
#> 11 Cyp2b10 2
#> 12 Cyp2b10 3
#> 13 Cyp2b10 4
#> 14 Cyp2b10 5
#> 15 Cyp2b10 6
#> 16 Cyp2b10 7
#> 17 Cyp2b10 8
#> 18 Cyp2b10 9
#> 19 Cyp2b10 10
#> 20 Cyp2b10 1
#> 21 Cyp2b10 2
## Grouping
#> [1] "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438"
#> [4] "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438"
#> [7] "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438" "ENSMUST00000072438"
#> [10] "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477"
#> [13] "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477"
#> [16] "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000005477"
#> [19] "ENSMUST00000005477" "ENSMUST00000144140" "ENSMUST00000144140"
group(subTrack) <- "Group 1"
#> [1] "Group 1" "Group 1"
## Stacking
#> [1] "squish"
stacking(bmTrack) <- "dense"
## coercion
as(bmTrack, "data.frame")
#> X.seqnames X.start X.end X.width X.strand X.feature
#> 1 chr7 26682639 26682874 236 + protein_coding
#> 2 chr7 26696257 26696419 163 + protein_coding
#> 3 chr7 26696573 26696722 150 + protein_coding
#> 4 chr7 26698884 26699044 161 + protein_coding
#> 5 chr7 26699767 26699943 177 + protein_coding
#> 6 chr7 26700411 26700552 142 + protein_coding
#> 7 chr7 26701953 26702140 188 + protein_coding
#> 8 chr7 26702307 26702448 142 + protein_coding
#> 9 chr7 26711087 26711643 557 + protein_coding
#> 10 chr7 26682695 26682874 180 + protein_coding
#> 11 chr7 26696257 26696419 163 + protein_coding
#> 12 chr7 26696573 26696722 150 + protein_coding
#> 13 chr7 26698884 26699044 161 + protein_coding
#> 14 chr7 26699767 26699943 177 + protein_coding
#> 15 chr7 26700411 26700552 142 + protein_coding
#> 16 chr7 26701953 26702140 188 + protein_coding
#> 17 chr7 26702307 26702448 142 + protein_coding
#> 18 chr7 26710392 26710418 27 + protein_coding
#> 19 chr7 26711087 26711578 492 + protein_coding
#> 20 chr7 26701785 26702140 356 + protein_coding
#> 21 chr7 26702307 26702449 143 + protein_coding
#> X.gene X.exon X.transcript X.symbol X.rank
#> 1 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000742021 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 1
#> 2 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000449901 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 2
#> 3 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199425 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 3
#> 4 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000511070 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 4
#> 5 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000514929 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 5
#> 6 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199423 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 6
#> 7 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000535814 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 7
#> 8 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000507557 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 8
#> 9 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000498616 ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10 9
#> 10 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000489385 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 1
#> 11 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000449901 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 2
#> 12 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199425 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 3
#> 13 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000511070 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 4
#> 14 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000514929 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 5
#> 15 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199423 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 6
#> 16 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000535814 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 7
#> 17 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000507557 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 8
#> 18 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000496705 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 9
#> 19 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000750625 ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10 10
#> 20 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000736922 ENSMUST00000144140 Cyp2b10 1
#> 21 ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000748299 ENSMUST00000144140 Cyp2b10 2
#> feature gene exon transcript
#> 1 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000742021 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 2 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000449901 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 3 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199425 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 4 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000511070 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 5 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000514929 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 6 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199423 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 7 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000535814 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 8 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000507557 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 9 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000498616 ENSMUST00000072438
#> 10 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000489385 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 11 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000449901 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 12 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199425 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 13 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000511070 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 14 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000514929 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 15 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000199423 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 16 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000535814 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 17 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000507557 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 18 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000496705 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 19 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000750625 ENSMUST00000005477
#> 20 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000736922 ENSMUST00000144140
#> 21 protein_coding ENSMUSG00000030483 ENSMUSE00000748299 ENSMUST00000144140
#> symbol rank
#> 1 Cyp2b10 1
#> 2 Cyp2b10 2
#> 3 Cyp2b10 3
#> 4 Cyp2b10 4
#> 5 Cyp2b10 5
#> 6 Cyp2b10 6
#> 7 Cyp2b10 7
#> 8 Cyp2b10 8
#> 9 Cyp2b10 9
#> 10 Cyp2b10 1
#> 11 Cyp2b10 2
#> 12 Cyp2b10 3
#> 13 Cyp2b10 4
#> 14 Cyp2b10 5
#> 15 Cyp2b10 6
#> 16 Cyp2b10 7
#> 17 Cyp2b10 8
#> 18 Cyp2b10 9
#> 19 Cyp2b10 10
#> 20 Cyp2b10 1
#> 21 Cyp2b10 2
as(bmTrack, "UCSCData")
#> UCSC track 'foo'
#> UCSCData object with 3 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
#> seqnames ranges strand | id name
#> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
#> [1] chr7 26682695-26711578 + | ENSMUST00000005477 Cyp2b10
#> [2] chr7 26682639-26711643 + | ENSMUST00000072438 Cyp2b10
#> [3] chr7 26701785-26702449 + | ENSMUST00000144140 Cyp2b10
#> itemRgb blockCount blockSizes blockStarts
#> <character> <numeric> <character> <character>
#> [1] gold4 10 180,163,150,161,177,.. 0,13562,13878,16189,..
#> [2] gold4 9 236,163,150,161,177,.. 0,13618,13934,16245,..
#> [3] gold4 2 356,143 0,522
#> -------
#> seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## HTML image map
bmTrack <- plotTracks(bmTrack)$foo
#> x1 y1 x2 y2
#> ENSMUSE00000742021 38.11788 67.5 41.78433 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000449901 250.58527 67.5 253.11279 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000199425 255.51549 67.5 257.84018 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000511070 291.57161 67.5 294.06792 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000514929 305.34813 67.5 308.09407 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000199423 315.39579 67.5 317.59566 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000535814 339.45400 67.5 342.37157 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000507557 344.97709 67.5 347.17697 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000498616 481.96224 67.5 490.63693 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000489385 38.99158 67.5 41.78433 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000449901.1 250.58527 67.5 253.11279 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000199425.1 255.51549 67.5 257.84018 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000511070.1 291.57161 67.5 294.06792 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000514929.1 305.34813 67.5 308.09407 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000199423.1 315.39579 67.5 317.59566 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000535814.1 339.45400 67.5 342.37157 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000507557.1 344.97709 67.5 347.17697 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000496705 470.82245 67.5 471.82097 436.5
#> ENSMUSE00000750625 481.96224 67.5 489.62280 436.5
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